One Area Affects Everyone



Desertification is a global issue that impacts everyone around the world. No person or environment is spared, as it causes significant changes to our ecosystem. Ignoring such issues will inevitably result in drastic alterations to our ecosystem, exerting a major influence on our economics, politics, and society.

Ethiopia, the focus of my infographic, has been gradually affected by desertification over the decades, experiencing recurring droughts during the 1970s and 1980s. These periods coincided with times of famine and led to economic, social, and political changes, impacting various parts of the country.

Desertification in Ethiopia has been a growing issue that requires attention and focus.

Overgrazing, deforestation, population pressure, alkalinity problems, poor farming practices, and the use of dung as fuel can significantly accelerate desertification and initiate the process. Climate issues, such as soil erosion, may also contribute.

The highlands are particularly affected, with around 2 million hectares reaching a point of no return, illustrating the severe impact of desertification in these areas